Quake, Mountain, Quake

Say what you please
There was something trying to steal my dreams
I could feel a breath on my cheek

Someday I'll shout
Loud enough to make the mountain quake
That would be the end of your game

Say what you please
There was something trying to steal my dreams
I could feel a breath on my cheek

Someday I'll shout
Loud enough to make the mountain quake
That would be the end of your game

Treme, Montanha, Treme

Diga o que quiser
Havia algo tentando roubar meus sonhos
Eu podia sentir a respiração no meu rosto

Algum dia eu vou gritar
Alto o suficiente para fazer a montanha tremer
Isso seria o fim do seu jogo

Diga o que quiser
Havia algo tentando roubar meus sonhos
Eu podia sentir a respiração no meu rosto

Algum dia eu vou gritar
Alto o suficiente para fazer a montanha tremer
Isso seria o fim do seu jogo
