In The First Light

In the first light of a new day
No one knew He had arrived
Things continued as they had been
While a new born softly cried

But the heavens wrapped in wonder
Knew the meaning of His birth
In the weakness of a baby
They knew God had come to earth

As His mother held him closely
It was hard to understand
That her baby not yet speaking
Was the Word of God to man

He would tell them of His kingdom
But their hearts would not believe
They would hate Him and in anger
They would nail Him to a tree

But the sadness would be broken
As the song of life arose
And the First born of creation
Would ascend and take his throne

He has left it to redeem us
But before His life began
He knew He'd come back not as a baby
But as The Lord of every man

Hear the angels as they're singing
On the morning of His birth
But how much greater will our song be
When He comes again
When He comes again

Hear the angels as they're singing
On the morning of His birth
But how much greater will our song be
When He comes again to Earth
When He comes to rule the Earth!

No novo dia

Ao raiar de um novo dia
Ninguém soube quem chegou
Tudo estava como antes
Só se escutou um bebê

Mas o céu estava em festa
Por compreender então
Que em um frágil ser humano
Cristo se manifestou

Sua mãe o segurava
E tentava entender
Seu bebê que nem falava
Era o amor de Deus à nós

Ele iria libertá-los
Das prisões que mal criou
Mas, com ódio o levariam
A morrer em uma cruz

Sendo o vencedor da vida
Ele iria ressurgir
Voltaria a ser rei
E primogênito de Deus

Ele abandonou seu trono
Não pra ser só um bebê
Mas o senhor de todo homem
Que lhe entrega o coração

Imagine o louvor dos anjos
Vendo que seu rei nasceu
Mas quão maior será o nosso
Quando Ele retornar
Quando meu Jesus voltar

Imagine o louvor dos anjos
Vendo que seu rei nasceu
Mas quão maior será o nosso
Quando Ele retornar
Quando meu Jesus voltar
