It Was Jesus

Well a man walked down by Galilee so the Holy Book does say
And a great multitude was gathered there without a thing to eat for days
Up stepped a little boy with the basket please take it Lord he said
And with just a five loaves and two little fishes five thousand had fish and bread
Who was it everybody (it was Jesus) who was it everybody (it was Jesus)
Who was it everybody (it was Jesus) it was Jesus Christ our Lord
Now pay close attention little children it's somebody you ought to know
It's all about a man that walked on earth nearly two thousand years ago
Well he healed the sick and afflicted it and he raised 'em from the dead
Then they nailed him on an old rugged cross and put thorns on his head
Who was it everybody...
Well they took him down and they buried him and after the third day
When they came to his tomb where they knew he was gone
Cause the stone was rolled away
He's not here for he is risen the angel of the Lord then said
And when they saw him walking with these nail-scared hands
They knew he came back from the dead
Who was it everybody...

Era Jesus

Bem, um homem caminhava pela Galiléia, assim diz o Livro Sagrado
E uma grande multidão estava reunida lá sem nada para comer por dias
Apareceu um menino com a cesta, 'por favor, leve- a ao Senhor', disse ele
E com apenas cinco pães e dois peixes cinco mil pessoas tiveram peixe e pão
Quem foi,todo mundo (foi Jesus), quem foi, todo mundo (foi Jesus)
Quem foi,todo mundo (foi Jesus), foi Jesus Cristo nosso Senhor
Agora prestem muita atenção, criancinhas, é alguém que vocês devem saber
É tudo sobre um homem que andou na terra há quase dois mil anos atrás
Bem, ele curou os doentes e aflitos e ele levantou-los da morte
Em seguida, eles pregaram sobre uma velha rude cruz e colocar espinhos na cabeça
Quem foi, todo mundo ...
Bem, eles o tiraram da cruz e ele foi sepultado, e após o terceiro dia
Quando chegaram ao seu túmulo, onde sabiam que ele tinha ido embora
Porque a pedra fora rolada
Ele não está aqui porque ele é o anjo ressucitado do Senhor, disse então
E quando o viram andando com essas mãos chagadas
Eles sabiam que ele voltou dos mortos
Quem foi, todo mundo ...

Composição: Johnny Cash