From Silent Night

Go nightly cares, to rest
Go nightly cares, the foe to rest
Forbear awhile to vex my sprite
Forbear awhile to vex my grieved sprite

So long your weight hath lain
Your weight hath lain upon my breast
That lo I live of life bereaved quite
Give me time to draw, to draw my weary breath

From silent night
True register of moans
From saddest soul, consumed
With sins, with deepest sins

From heart quite rent
With sighs and heavy groans
My wailing Muse begins, begins
Her work begins

Go nightly cares, to rest
Go nightly cares, the foe to rest
Forbear awhile to vex my sprite
Forbear awhile to vex my grieved sprite

So long your weight hath lain
Your weight hath lain upon my breast
That lo I live of life bereaved quite
Give me time to draw, to draw my weary breath

From silent night
True register of moans
From saddest soul, consumed
With sins, with deepest sins

From heart quite rent
With sighs and heavy groans
My wailing Muse begins, begins
Her work begins

De Uma Noite Silenciosa

Ergo-me de teus sonhos
Nas primeiras calmas horas da noite
Quando os ventos estão serenos
E as estrelas brilham tão reluzentes

A queixa do rouxinol
Morre sobre o coração dela
Da mesma forma que eu devo morrer sobre o seu
Ó, coração este tão amado quanto tu és!

Minha bochecha está fria e pálida, infelizmente!
Meu coração bate de forma barulhenta e rápido
Oh! Pressione-o perto de ti novamente
Onde ele finalmente quebrará
